На сайте Oracle опубликованы материалы выступлений руководителей направлений по стратегии развития в свете приобретения компании Sun. То, что касается будущего нашего ПО, представлено в презентации Thomas Kurian. Ниже - содержание слайда 29
Identity Management Product Strategy
- Oracle Identity Management Suite continues as strategic family of products
- Oracle will support both Oracle Internet Directory and Sun Directory Server with common LDAP administration
- Sun Role Manager becomes Oracle’s Strategic Identity Analytics offering
- Oracle Identity Manager remains Oracle’s strategic Identity Provisioning and Identity Lifecycle Management product
- Oracle Access Manager remains Oracle’s strategic Access Management and Fine-Grained Access Control product
- Oracle’s Virtual Directory, Enterprise SSO, Entitlements Management, Identity Federation continue as strategic
- Oracle continues to invest in and share technology between Sun and Oracle products
- Sun Identity Manager will see continued investments and integration with OIM (SPML Adapter Framework)
- Sun Open SSO will see continued investments and integration with OAM (Secure Token Service)
- Oracle continues to maintain Open DS
- No change in support timelines or distribution model for Sun products
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